Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Some Sleep Suggestions!

I will give you some suggestions which I have been following through... I have been strictly following Dr. Marc Weissbluth's book for sleep... sometimes I have been successful, sometimes not... but the key is u got to keep trying until the routine falls into place...

this is what he says in book...

the child wakefulness should not exceed more than 2 hours... the time starts when the child gets up in the morning...

suppose ur child wakes up at 7AM in the morning... try to put him/her to sleep by 9AM for the morning nap...

the next nap should occur between 12-2PM

the third might or might not occur... if it occurs it should be between 3-4 PM...

try to put the baby sleep between 6PM-8PM in the night...give him/her warm bath, feed, and then put to sleep...

if the baby wakes up in the middle of the night , do not bring the baby into the light..

ensure the room is very dark,noise that they will not wake up....

look for baby's drowsy signs... they will become less active, whine, become fussy after 2 hrs... u can notice it very slowly... immediately soothe the baby n put him/her to sleep...

Initially u will ve some resistance from the baby as he/she is not used to this schedule.. but slowly it will fall into place and the baby will automatically fall asleep...

I have been trying this for 1 month and can easily identify when kid is drowsy and put him to sleep during the day & night time...

The more ur child sleep or gets rest in the day time the more he/she will sleep in the night...

U can refer to this book .. its really a good book.. ve been very useful to me...

Healthy Sleeping habits:Happy Child.. By Dr.Marc Weissbluth M.D.

- Courtesy - Gayathri

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